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So far cbc-admin has created 61 blog entries.

E-Booklet: Citizen Journalism with Smartphone


This is a comprehensive guide created in the framework of the project: "Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity" aimed at empowering young people through practical knowledge on using the application tools as well as instructions on the steps of creating a reportage. The manual was produced within the Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 program, with the financial support of the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana. Download Manual

E-Booklet: Citizen Journalism with Smartphone2024-09-26T12:42:40+00:00

Effective environmental policies on climate change


In the framework of the project "Effective Environmental Policy on Climate Change", Center for Bridging Communities organized the workshop: "The importance of knowing the law on climate change for the private sector". Experts on climate change presented various studies, discussed with the participants the Climate Change Strategy in Albania, the Law on Climate Change and the impact on the private sector, as well as the opportunity that the community and interest groups have to influence possible amendments. Representatives from various civil organizations, businesses sector and local and central government institutions were present in the meeting. This activity was organized within the [...]

Effective environmental policies on climate change2024-10-01T19:47:22+00:00

Gender Equality Awareness Week


Together with the students of the "Skënderbeu" High School, we carried out the Awareness Week on Gender Equality in Has, Kukes Region. The project "Ambassadors of Change: Fighting gender stereotypes and violence against women through art" aimed to offer students an opportunity to bring a change in their school and in the community where they live as ambassadors of gender equality through artistic and awareness-raising activities. In the second phase of the project, the young people prepared awareness materials such as videos, paintings, posters, photos and dramatized two plays which focused on the topics as: gender-based discrimination in work place and [...]

Gender Equality Awareness Week2024-10-01T19:53:41+00:00

Survey with farmers and businesses in Tirana, Vorë, Kamëz, Kavajë and Rrogozhinë


Following the activities of the project " Effective environmental policies on climate change", we are organizing informative-awareness meetings with farmers and businesses of Tirana, Vora, Kamza, Kavaja and Rrogozhina Districts on the impact of climate change on agriculture and the measures they must take to adapt. Questionnaires are also being administered with farmers and businesses to assess the level of knowledge the community has about the law, about the needs and difficulties encountered by climate change, about its importance, procedures, obligations, etc. During the survey, the business community were informed about the reasons for conducting this survey and the opportunity that [...]

Survey with farmers and businesses in Tirana, Vorë, Kamëz, Kavajë and Rrogozhinë2024-10-01T19:55:46+00:00

Training: Young people as citizen reporters for diversity


In the second phase of the project "Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity", on 21-23 October, 2022, we carried out the training "Young people as citizen reporters for diversity”. The purpose of the training was to increase the capacities of young people in the role of citizen reporters on how to use technological innovations to influence public opinion. Young people gained practical knowledges on topics such as: the structure of reportages and its characteristics; how to make a reportage; features of online journalism; the writing and sources of a news story; digital technology, social platforms, the spread of misinformation, etc. This [...]

Training: Young people as citizen reporters for diversity2024-09-30T12:30:02+00:00

Informative-awareness meetings with farmers and businesses


Within the project "Environmental policy effective against climate change", implemented by the organization Center for Bridging Communities, several meetings were held with local businesses and farmers in the rural areas of the District of Tirana, in the Municipality of Tirana, Vora, Kamza, Kavaja and Rrogozhina. These meetings aim to assess the impact of climate change on local businesses and farmers, informing and raising awareness of the community, businesses and farmers on the measures they should take to adapt to climate change, as well as empowering their voice to influence decision-making. Questionnaires were also carried out, as an element which serves to [...]

Informative-awareness meetings with farmers and businesses2022-10-07T00:27:08+00:00

Workshop: Diversity and Inclusion


First day: On the first day of the workshop: "Diversity and Inclusion", young people from Albania and Kosovo were socialized and shared experiences of prejudice and discrimination on ethnic, religious, gender issues, etc. The activity was developed in an interactive form, with educational and attractive games for young people, which aimed to encourage tolerance and cooperation, for the acceptance and respect of diversity. The main issues that were addressed and discussed were: direct discrimination, multiple discrimination, indirect discrimination, hate speech, etc. The young people also gained knowledge on practical issues if they encounter discrimination. Second day: On the second day of [...]

Workshop: Diversity and Inclusion2022-10-07T00:22:29+00:00

Tirana ArtCulture


In the last weeks we have worked with the project “Tirana ArtCulture”. Tirana ArtCulture (https://www.artculture.al/) is an online platform, for promoting local traditions, costumes and history of Tirana, as it is selected as the “European Youth Capital” for 2022, it will be accessed and enjoyed mostly by youth tourists visiting Tirana for that purpose. Many young people from European countries have been invited to visit Tirana in the framework of activities that will be developed by youth organizations for that purpose, with the support of the macro program "Tirana European Youth Capital". Utilizing the innovations offered by technology, respectively Android and [...]

Tirana ArtCulture2022-10-07T00:17:24+00:00

Training: Stereotypes, Gender Identity and Roles


In the framework of the project "Ambassadors of Change: Fighting gender stereotypes and violence against women through art", supported by Mediterranean Women's Fund - Fonds pour les Femmes en Méditerranée, on 01 April – May 21, Center for Bridging Communities, implemented the 4 days training with students of High School "Skenderbeu" in Has. The primary purpose of this training is to increase information and awareness of youth on the gender equity issues. We introduced participants with key concepts of gender roles/identity, gender stereotypes, gender equity, women empowerment. During the training the legal framework on gender-based violence were discussed with young people [...]

Training: Stereotypes, Gender Identity and Roles2024-10-01T19:34:20+00:00

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Rruga Don Bosko, Pallati Alfa, 38/5, Tirane, Albania

Phone: +355 697 584 269

Web: www.cbc.org.al

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