Call for Participants – Games 4 Change
In the framework of the project “Games 4 Change,” we invite you to a virtual event that aims to create four games reflecting your insights. It will be a non-formal opportunity to connect, brainstorm, and gather your input on developing online social role-playing games.
You don’t need gaming expertise to participate; we seek motivated individuals willing to share their perspectives and knowledge from those categories: youth, formal educators, and non-formal educators.
• Apply here:
The event will be held online, in English on the 25th of September at 5 PM and will last 2 hours.
The final event of the project: Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity
On December 17, at 2:00 p.m, in the premises of the National Youth Congress, the final activity of the project: “Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity” (FRRD) will take place.
The purpose of the activity is to promote FRRD and the results achieved during this joint initiative with young people. A special attention will be given to the presentation of five reportage created by young people focusing on topics related to diversity.
Representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of different communities such as: religious, differently abled, minorities, LGBTQ+, etc. will be present in this activity.
This project is developed in partnership with the organization from Kosovo, “NGO Building the Balkans”, within the Program: Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 with the financial support of the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana.
#TiranaEYC2022 #tirana #youth #EuropeanYouthCapital2022 #EYC2022 #EuropeanYearOfYouth #NationalYouthCongress
19/10/2022 – Center for Bridging Communities has been awarded with the Quality Label as Receiving Organization for volunteering actions within the European Solidarity Corps until 31.12. 2027.
Our partner organization in Croatia, OAZA, opens the call for volunteers within the European Solidarity Corps program!
For more information, read the call and apply by following the link below:
You can also send a CV and a letter of motivation to Email:
The deadline to apply is September 1, 2022!
Within the framework of the ESC (European Solidarity Corps) program, volunteers are required for two projects of 6 months and 1 month, aged 18-30, interested in cultural, environmental, sports, archaeological and social activities.
Activities will start in June 2022 until October 2022.
You can read more about the 6-month project here:
For the 1- month project here:
To apply send a CV to our email address:
The deadline for the application is: May 25, 2022!
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS – European Solidarity Corps
Where: Budapest, Hungary
Who: young people aged 18-30
When: July 2022 to June 2023 (11 months)
What: non-formal education methodologies to develop creativity, inclusion, tolerance and acceptance in children and young people.
All expenses are covered (accommodation, travel, etc.) Apply by sending CV to Email: and find here the details:…/1I33jB…/view…
The call for volunteers within the European Solidarity Corps Program is open!
Excellent opportunity for students, young people, graduates aged 22-29 years who want to participate in an international experience and develop new skills. In addition, read the information package with the necessary details on the entire project and specific positions at the link
Project dates: (March 1, 2022 – October 30, 2022)
For all those interested: You can send your CV and a letter of interest to
Application deadline: 27 February 2022.