Workshop: Diversity and Inclusion
First day:
On the first day of the workshop: “Diversity and Inclusion”, young people from Albania and Kosovo were socialized and shared experiences of prejudice and discrimination on ethnic, religious, gender issues, etc.
The activity was developed in an interactive form, with educational and attractive games for young people, which aimed to encourage tolerance and cooperation, for the acceptance and respect of diversity.
The main issues that were addressed and discussed were: direct discrimination, multiple discrimination, indirect discrimination, hate speech, etc.
The young people also gained knowledge on practical issues if they encounter discrimination.
Second day:
On the second day of the workshop: “Diversity and Inclusion”, the young participants discussed concrete situations of discrimination and learned about the steps that should be taken if they face a similar situation.
The activity was developed in an interactive form, with the aim of promoting tolerance and cooperation, for the acceptance of diversity and respect for human rights.
Young people gained knowledge and discussed in groups, ideas on topics related to diversity that will be the focus of reportage!
Third day:
On the third day of the workshop: “Diversity and Inclusion” the young participants were trained on the development of the game UNCHARTED!
The main purpose of the uncharted game is to draw attention to social problems that have their roots in cultural changes and to show the benefits that society has from mixing cultures.
Through the game, young people will be introduced to a series of situations related to prejudices and discriminatory attitudes that usually occur when communities meet other social groups that have different customs and traditions.
Fourth day:
During the fourth day of the “Diversity and Inclusion” workshop, the young participants played the UNCHARTED game in the surroundings of the Artificial Lake of Tirana. The main purpose of the uncharted game is to draw attention to social problems that have their roots in cultural changes and to show the benefits that society has from mixing cultures.
Through the game, young people were informed about cultural diversity and ways to avoid prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior towards different cultural groups.
This activity is organized within the Program: “Tirana European Youth Capital 2022”, Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 with the financial support of the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana and is implemented by the Center for Bridging Communities.
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