Training: Young people as citizen reporters for diversity

Published On: October 25th, 2022Categories: Activities

In the second phase of the project “Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity”, on 21-23 October, 2022, we carried out the training “Young people as citizen reporters for diversity”.
The purpose of the training was to increase the capacities of young people in the role of citizen reporters on how to use technological innovations to influence public opinion.

Young people gained practical knowledges on topics such as: the structure of reportages and its characteristics; how to make a reportage; features of online journalism; the writing and sources of a news story; digital technology, social platforms, the spread of misinformation, etc.

This activity was organized within the Program: “Tirana European Youth Capital 2022”, with the financial support of the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana and is implemented by the Center for Bridging Communities and Building the Balkans!

#TiranaEYC2022 #tirana #youth #EuropeanYouthCapital2022 #EYC2022 #ActivateYouth #EuropeanYearOfYouth #NationalYouthCongress.


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