
Training Course: Disinformation Action


"Disinformation action” was a 7-day training course that was held from October 27, 2024, until November 3, 2024, and took place in the coastal town of Vrsar in the Istria region, Croatia. It was attended by 29 youth workers from 8 countries: Croatia, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, Montenegro, and Cyprus. This activity aimed to expand participants’ knowledge about disinformation narratives and their effect on human rights, minority groups, and sustainable development of society and exchange experiences about dis/misinformation affecting minorities in partner countries. The one-week training program in Croatia included topics on media education, fighting disinformation and empowering of youth [...]

Training Course: Disinformation Action2024-12-24T12:51:16+00:00

Training course of youth workers, Pernik, Bulgaria


Center for Bridging Communities participated in the training course of youth workers in Pernik, Bulgaria. Our participants joined the youth fair with the tools for green youth work they developed during the training, winning the applause of both youth and organizations. Many thanks to our participants who were creative and successfully engaged local youth with the exciting activities they prepared. The project "The Puzzle of Youth Work", 2023-3-BG01-KA153-YOU-000184173, is implemented by the Path of the Thracian Foundation with the financial support of the European Commission's Erasmus+ program, through the National Agency for Bulgaria - CRCR (Human Resources Development).

Training course of youth workers, Pernik, Bulgaria2024-10-01T13:18:19+00:00

Workshop: Youth initiatives in community


Within the project “Youth, Politics & Active Citizenship”, a round table brought together stakeholders from public and non-public institutions who work with young people, aiming to increase their participation and political engagement in local governance. This activity was organized in the Municipality of Has by the Center for Bridging Communities, with the support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Albania.

Workshop: Youth initiatives in community2024-10-01T14:07:19+00:00

Round table: Mayor for one day


Following the implementation of the "Youth, politics and active citizenship" project, in close cooperation with the Has Municipality, a meeting was held between the youth and the Mayor of the Municipality. During this activity, a joint dialogue was created between young people and Has Municipality, where young people exchanged opinions on the civic and political engagement, community issues, youth challenges and presented their ideas on community development. Experts on good governance and youth policies presented  different topics such as: the right to vote, youth participation models, the role of the Local Youth Council, public consultation at the local level, etc. This [...]

Round table: Mayor for one day2024-09-30T11:12:05+00:00

Closing Event: Ambassadors of Change


In "Nazmi Rushiti" professional high school, Peshkopi, the final activity of the project "Ambassadors of change: "Contesting stereotypes and violence against women through art" took place. In order to promote youth activism at the local level for issues related to gender equality, an awareness activity was organized which offered young people the opportunity to bring changes in their school and in the community. The young people prepared two awareness videos that dealt with gender stereotypes & career choices and gender roles in family relationships and presented these materials in a joint meeting with the participation of students and teachers of this [...]

Closing Event: Ambassadors of Change2024-09-30T11:10:45+00:00

Workshop: All together supporting the role of young people in community


It was organized a round table "All together in support of the role of young people in the community" on May 9, 2023. This closing activity of the project "Political participation of young people in local elections: "Mayor for one day" aimed at building the necessary bridges of communication and cooperation between interest groups, to increase the political participation of young people in Shijak municipality. Unifying the voice of young people for improving the quality of public services and strengthening local democracy requires the support of all responsible actors at the local level. During this meeting were presented the topics: "Youth [...]

Workshop: All together supporting the role of young people in community2024-10-01T19:43:55+00:00

Youth LED politics – “Mayor for one day”


On March 15, 2023 we started an online campaign that will last until April 15, 2023. This initiative aims promoting the participation of young people to address the community problems and to generate ideas to help in problem solving. The youth activism initiative on the pre-local election period will include informative posts about civic and political engagement of young people, posters and awareness videos on some local community concerns. We invite young people of the Municipality of Shijak, aged 17-25 years to take action with us by filling out this form: This activity is implementing within the project: "Political participation [...]

Youth LED politics – “Mayor for one day”2023-03-26T20:30:59+00:00

Closing activity: Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity


On December 17 in the premises of the National Youth Congress, the final activity of the project: "Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity" (FRRD) took place. The purpose of the activity was to promote FRRD and the results achieved during this joint initiative with young people. A special attention will be given to the presentation of five reportage created by young people focusing on topics related to diversity. Representatives of civil society organizations and representatives of different communities such as: religious, different abilities, minorities, LGBTQ+, etc. will be present in this activity. This project is developed in partnership with the organization [...]

Closing activity: Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity2024-10-01T19:17:21+00:00

Effective environmental policies on climate change


In the framework of the project "Effective Environmental Policy on Climate Change", Center for Bridging Communities organized the workshop: "The importance of knowing the law on climate change for the private sector". Experts on climate change presented various studies, discussed with the participants the Climate Change Strategy in Albania, the Law on Climate Change and the impact on the private sector, as well as the opportunity that the community and interest groups have to influence possible amendments. Representatives from various civil organizations, businesses sector and local and central government institutions were present in the meeting. This activity was organized within the [...]

Effective environmental policies on climate change2024-10-01T19:47:22+00:00

Gender Equality Awareness Week


Together with the students of the "Skënderbeu" High School, we carried out the Awareness Week on Gender Equality in Has, Kukes Region. The project "Ambassadors of Change: Fighting gender stereotypes and violence against women through art" aimed to offer students an opportunity to bring a change in their school and in the community where they live as ambassadors of gender equality through artistic and awareness-raising activities. In the second phase of the project, the young people prepared awareness materials such as videos, paintings, posters, photos and dramatized two plays which focused on the topics as: gender-based discrimination in work place and [...]

Gender Equality Awareness Week2024-10-01T19:53:41+00:00

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Rruga Don Bosko, Pallati Alfa, 38/5, Tirane, Albania

Phone: +355 697 584 269


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