Social Game: The Key of Whispersteel

Published On: October 6th, 2022Categories: Activities

During May-June 2022, in the surroundings of the Great Park of the Artificial Lake of Tirana, the educational game “The Key of Whispersteel” took place with a group of young people aged 18-23.

This game aims to inform and raise awareness of young people about the phenomenon of radicalism and how to prevent it. Group collaboration is one of the main values this social game promotes. The youth were grouped into 3 teams and discussed about hate speech, bullying and cultural radicalism. They were socialized, educated and entertained at the same time.

This activity was carried out within the project: “Game Changer – Engaging in games for awareness on radicalism” #GameChangerEu, implemented by the Center for Bridging Communities and supported by TechSoup Europe.

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