
Assessment Report: Political and civic participation of young people, Has Municipality


Albania developed national strategies and action plans, in order to include and support young people. The National Youth Strategy 2022-2029 sets an important priority on young people's involvement in politics and society through their participation in community issues and decision-making processes. Numerous research studies indicate that the majority of young individuals initiate their political and civic involvement at the local level, where they participate in grassroots democracy and embrace constructive behaviors, standards, and prospects for their future. This report aims to analyze youth participation based on a set of predefined indicators of civic and political engagement. It also includes a [...]

Assessment Report: Political and civic participation of young people, Has Municipality2024-09-30T09:34:22+00:00

Manual for the Local Youth Council, Shijak


The guide for the Local Youth Council, Shijak gives an overview of youth political participation, youth policies and different participation models. This manual provides tools recommendations for youth work, concrete tips, templates and a resource list to guide the local youth council in the evaluation processes of youth participation at the local level. This publication is prepared within the project: “Political participation of young people in local elections: “Mayor for one day” with the financial support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Albania. Download Manual

Manual for the Local Youth Council, Shijak2024-09-28T17:31:01+00:00

Report: Analysis of the situation of climate change in Albania, legislation, institutions and the degree of implementation


Following the implementation of the project “Effective environmental policies on climate change" Center for Bridging Communities prepared the report: "Analysis of the situation of climate change in Albania, legislation, institutions and the degree of implementation". The content of this report is solely the responsibility of the project: "Effective environmental policies against climate change" implemented by the Center for Bridging Communities, supported by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development as part of the project "Dialogue for the development of comprehensive policies in Albania - IDEAL” and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Download Report

Report: Analysis of the situation of climate change in Albania, legislation, institutions and the degree of implementation2024-09-28T17:32:55+00:00

E-Booklet: Citizen Journalism with Smartphone


This is a comprehensive guide created in the framework of the project: "Forum of Young Reporters for Diversity" aimed at empowering young people through practical knowledge on using the application tools as well as instructions on the steps of creating a reportage. The manual was produced within the Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 program, with the financial support of the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana. Download Manual

E-Booklet: Citizen Journalism with Smartphone2024-09-26T12:42:40+00:00

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Rruga Don Bosko, Pallati Alfa, 38/5, Tirane, Albania

Phone: +355 697 584 269


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